Getting Started
Role Manager
Elements Panel
Form Builder
Media Manager
Style Panel
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AI Generator
Dynamic Data Basics
Content Manager
Figma to Droip
API Integrations
Let's Learn
Getting Started
Role Manager
Elements Panel
Form Builder
Media Manager
Style Panel
Page Settings
AI Generator
Dynamic Data Basics
Content Manager
Figma to Droip
API Integrations
The Audit feature in Droip is symbolized by a triangle exclamation icon. It serves as a powerful tool to automatically assess the accessibility of your website, ensuring that it adheres to specific accessibility standards.

The Audit feature checks for the following aspects:
1. Alt Text Missing
The Alt Text Missing check counts how many media elements, such as images or videos, do not have alternate text defined. Hovering over this feature will show you which media elements are missing alternate text. Alt text is important for describing image content for visually impaired users or in case the image fails to load. Additionally, alt text helps improve SEO.
2. Link Missing
The Link Missing check assesses how many link blocks within your website do not have any links set. Upon hovering over this feature, you will promptly identify the specific link blocks that are missing links. Ensuring all link blocks have valid links is vital for seamless navigation and user experience.
3. Class Name Missing
The Class Name Missing check counts how many elements lack defined class names. Hovering over this feature will display the elements that are missing class names. Incorporating class names aids in organizing your website effectively and simplifies the process of styling elements using CSS.
By utilizing the Audit feature in Droip, you can proactively enhance the accessibility of your website, making it more user-friendly for all visitors.