Droip Changelog
Droip v1.2.2
3 Months Ago

Newly Added
- Added support for creating dynamic user lists (e.g., authors) using the collection element.
- Added support for creating dynamic single user templates, allowing custom individual pages for users.
- Introduced the ability to copy and paste CSS styles directly from Figma into Droip, simplifying the design workflow.

- Enhanced the user experience for snap-to-grid functionality for SVG shapes.
- Made the "Edit with Droip" button accessible from all applicable areas, improving ease of use.
- Added a warning notification when post content is missing in single post templates.
- Refreshed the scrollbar design in Chrome on Windows.

Bug Fixes
- Resolved the issue where scrolling to elements from the layers panel was not working correctly.
Droip v1.2.1
4 Months Ago

Newly Added
- Introduced the ability to filter WordPress posts with Collection.
- Added Typography settings to the Text Clip-Path Editor for enhanced customization.
- Added filter and sort options for comment collection.

- Enhanced Droip Form with filter and sort data saving on local storage, allowing conditions to be saved for reuse.
- Added font family preview to the font selector, displaying how the font appears alongside its name.
- Improved Audit functionality with enhanced detection for form labels, SEO data, and more.
- Content Manager now supports URL input for Image, Video, and File fields.

Bug Fixes
- Resolved issue with WordPress Menu not appearing on the Navbar.
- Fixed height, width controls, and drag issues for the Image element.
- Corrected pagination rendering issue for Collection elements in preview mode.
Droip V1.2.0
5 Months Ago

Newly Added
- Introduced Droip Content Manager
- Added new post-type Templates for single details pages with real-time preview
- Added dynamic SEO data functionality
- Included Header and Footer functionality in Droip Page Settings

- Improved dynamic inline toolbar position
- Added real-time preview for preset interaction
- Added meta image URL support for Image element

Bug Fixes
- Addressed nested term rendering issue
- Fixed the popup copy-paste issue
- Resolved custom interaction real-time preview issue
- Fixed miscellaneous background CSS-related issues
Droip V1.1.3
6 Months Ago

Newly Added
- Added support for PDF uploads.

- Refactored undo/redo functionality to enhance performance.
- Improved image adjustment and filter features, along with better undo/redo capabilities.
- Enhanced auto-save and global settings data saving functionalities.

Bug Fixes
- Moved popup inline settings into the popup-editing bar.
- Resolved the issue with creating a new class during modal editing.
- Ensured the SEO page title tag matches the page name when the SEO title is empty.
- Fixed the expansion of the left layers-panel element on hover.
- Addressed the issue with selecting the parent style block upon deletion.
Droip v1.1.2
7 Months Ago

Newly Added
- Set custom values for default breakpoint to enhance the canvas view.
- Added the option to add fonts directly from the right sidebar.

- Dynamic shortcut keys now render correctly for both Windows and Mac users.
- Updated and added new predefined devices for breakpoints.

Bug Fixes
- Resolved the issue preventing the editor from loading when creating a page from the Droip dashboard.
- The interaction class name is now retained when exporting or importing a page.
Droip v1.1.1
9 Months Ago

Newly Added
- Added Figma to Droip design paste feature using the context menu.

- Enhanced performance by up to 50% and reduced unnecessary re-rendering on the Design Toolbar.
- Added add and replace media features in the Media Manager.

Bug Fixes
- Resolved display problems with the "Edit with Droip" button on the Gutenberg Editor.
- Fixed the Paste Element Style issue on the Context Menu.
- Rectified Link support on the button element.
- Addressed random issues.
Droip v1.1.0
10 Months Ago

Newly Added
- Support to Figam to Droip App to transform your Figma designs to Droip modified page.
- Generated Symbol preview from the backend for better performance.
- Added CSS color preview.
- Added option to trigger siblings on the interaction panel.

- Enhanced form validation.
- Improved form elements.
- Improved class manager.
- Enhanced visibility conditions for symbols and popups.

Bug Fixes
- Resolved the nested comments issue.
- Fixed the dragging issue of the grid row col width controller when set to the fr unit
Droip v1.0.4
11 Months Ago

Newly Added
- Clicking the "Go to Droip editor" button on the Dashboard will redirect you to the most recently modified page.
- Implemented the ability to delete forms in the Dashboard.
- Altered the form data table on the plugin update to support file uploads.

- Enhanced Droip dashboard with outline button hover, focus, and disabled styles.
- Improved the upgrade pro button hover effect on the Droip dashboard.
- Restructured the file upload element for better usability.
- Added a global tracker for interactions to enhance performance.
- Resolved the timeline bar drag handler overlapping issue in interactions.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed the max file size functionality in file uploads.
- Resolved the Droip builder load issue when using the window back button.
- Addressed the Dev mode interaction preview issue in interactions.
- Fixed the editor crash caused by clicking on the element panel before API responses.
- Resolved the issue of null scrollHeight on reload and instant element panel click.
- Fixed the stylesheet insert rule issue.
Droip v1.0.3
12 Months Ago

Newly Added
- Droip dashboard home page
- Comment collection element filter, sort, pagination
- Dynamic content date format

- Form settings UX
- Reset form after successful submission

Bug Fixes
- Media manager selection issue on undo
- Lightbox element drop issue on the new page edit
- Popup edit issue on new page edit
Droip v1.0.2
12 Months Ago

Newly Added
- Droip free version
- Option to export pages
- Option to import pages (Pro)
- Dynamic comment support in Collection element
- Taxonomy support in Collection element

- Code editor UX
Droip v1.0.1
1 Years Ago

Newly Added
- Added a migration button into the custom code element for seamless HTML and CSS migration.
- Introduced custom object-to-CSS and CSS-to-object methods for migration.
- Added support for pseudo-elements and classes for migration.
- Added dynamic content options for Bold, Italic, Label, StrikeThrough, Link-text, and Button.
- Add domain in query for activity logs.
- Added post meta as a dynamic data option.
- Plugin updater

- Enabled automatic scrolling for iframes during migration.
- Improved dynamic meta preview.
- Enhanced Droip variable generation.
- Disabled license check for localhost.
- Improved save button loading state.
- Enabled link-block inside the tab element.
- Updated AI icon.
- Improved video play and pause functionality with lazy loading.
- Generated external settings from a common source.

Bug Fixes
- Resolved breakpoint default min max issue.
- Addressed CSS state parse issue.
- Fixed video element src attribute issue.
- Resolved dynamic content extra HTTP call issue.
- Fixed border selection active bar issue.
- Resolved page settings code preview issue.
- Fixed form nonce field issue.
- Adjusted video icon size on mobile.