Figma to Droip

Turn your static design into live websites

Install Figma Plugin


Transfer Figma design to Droip preserving your styles, spacing, and layouts.

Effortless Adaptation With Auto Responsiveness 

Flawlessly adapt your design to any screen size with auto-responsiveness.

From inspiration to reality in minutes

Seamless transfer of design components and styling from Figma to Droip.

Bridging the gap between design & dev

Work in harmony with other creative minds with no roadblocks to what you can achieve.

Focus on what really matters

Free yourself from technical hurdles. Dedicate more time to refining your design & user experience.

Achieve pixel-perfect accuracy

No painstaking processes and replication. Your website will look exactly as envisioned in Figma.

How it works

Step 1

Effortless installation

Head over to Figma's Resources tab and add the Figma to Droip plugin with a single click.


Step 2

Copy your design

With your Figma masterpiece complete (ideally using auto layout features), copy the section or entire page.


Step 3

Seamless import

Simply paste it with “command + v” to import your design components and style into Droip.


Step 4

Refine & launch

Add interactivity, personalize elements, and breathe life into your design within Droip's user-friendly environment.
