Installation & Update

In this document, you’ll find a step-by-step guideline on installing Droip as well as activating its license.

Installing Droip

To install Droip, visit the Droip Website and create an account. Then from the Pricing Page, choose the plan best suited for you and make your purchase.

Once you’re done with the purchase, you will find it listed on your Subscriptions page. Click on the Download button beside your Droip package to get the plugin in the form of a zip file. Then to install it, do the following:

  1. Visit your WordPress Site’s Backend Dashboard.
  2. Then go to Plugins > Add New and click on the Upload Plugin button.
  3. Once on this page, click on the Choose File button and locate & select your plugin zip file.
  4. Finally, once the file is uploaded, click on Install Now.

After it’s successfully installed, Activate your plugin.

License Activation

Once you’ve installed and activated the Droip plugin, it’s time to activate its license. To do so, navigate to WP Backend Dashboard > Droip > License Key.

Here, enter the license key in the text field and click on the Activate button. To find your license key, login to your Droip account and navigate to Subscriptions where you’ll see it listed. You can also directly add your website and activate your license from this page too.

And you’re done! Now you’re all set to start designing a beautiful & interactive website using Droip Pro.

Also, if you’re facing any issues during the installation or while activating your license, contact us at [email protected].

How to Update Your Droip Version

To update your Droip Version, visit WordPress Dashboard > Plugins and locate Droip. If an update is available, it’ll be listed here. Click on the Update Now button to start updating.

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