Elements by default may show some placeholder content when dropped onto the canvas which you can manually change. This type of content is what we call Static.
However, you can configure certain elements to display Dynamic content too! Outside of a Collection, this can be handy if you want to display the current post’s title, excerpt, image, related comments, taxonomies, etc.
Below is a list of the elements that can display Dynamic Content and instructions on how to go about it.
Displaying dynamic content using these elements is simple. Just follow the instructions below:
And that’s it! Now you can easily use these elements anywhere on your page with or without a Collection element and showcase dynamic data with just a few clicks.
For instance, to display the Page Title, you can just set the Type as Post and choose the Value as Title!
📝 Note: Again, keep in mind that these elements when used outside of a Collection, have the scope of dynamic content limited to the current page and everything related to it since you cannot define any specific Collection Item here.
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