Collection Fields

Each field type can be configured in the Content Manager interface, allowing you to tailor the data entry process to your specific needs.

Basic Fields

Basic fields in collection

Basic fields in the Content Manager are essential for defining the structure of your content. The two mandatory basic fields are:

  • Name: This field is used to specify the title or name of the entry.
  • Slug: This field is used to define a URL-friendly version of the name, which helps in creating clean URLs for your content.

These fields are automatically included when you create a new collection item and are essential for organizing and referencing your content.

Custom Fields

Custom fields in collection

Custom fields allow you to extend the functionality of your collections by adding specific types of data that suit your needs. 

Text Field

Purpose: For adding short pieces of text.

Configuration: Specify the field label, help text, and validation rules such as required or maximum length.

  • Required: Tick to set the field as mandatory.
  • Character Limit: Specify the maximum number of characters allowed.
  • Required: Tick to set the field as mandatory.
  • How to display: Connect the text field to a heading, paragraph, or any text element. 

Rich Text Field

Purpose: For adding formatted text with various styling options.


  • Formatting Tools: Enable options like bold, italic, lists, links, and more.
  • Word Count: Set a word limit for the content.
  • Required: Tick to set the field as mandatory.
  • How to display: Connect the text field to a heading, paragraph, or any text element. 

Image Field

Purpose: For uploading and displaying images.


  • Image Formats: You can accept all formats or choose JPG, PNG, or GIF.
  • Size Limitations: You can set the minimum and maximum file size allowed.
  • Required: Tick to set the field as mandatory.
  • How to display: Connect the image field to an image element. 

Video Field

Purpose: For embedding video content.


  • Video Formats: You can choose to accept from MP4, MOV, AVI, or all.
  • Video Type: You can set it to upload a file or insert a URL
  • Size Limitations: You can set the minimum and maximum file size allowed.
  • Required: Tick to set the field as mandatory.
  • How to display: Connect the video field to a video element.

Email Field

Purpose: For storing email addresses.


  • Required: Tick to set the field as mandatory.
  • How to display: Connect the email field to any text or link element. 

Phone Field

Purpose: For storing phone numbers.


  • Required: Tick to set the field as mandatory.
  • How to display: Connect the phone field to any text or link element. 

Number Field

Purpose: For storing numerical values.


  • Number format: Select decimal or integer format or both
  • Allow negative number: Tick to allow negative number
  • Required: Tick to set the field as mandatory.
  • How to display: Connect the to any text or link element. 

Date Field

Purpose: For selecting dates.


  • Default Date: Specify a default date if needed.
  • Required: Tick to set the field as mandatory.
  • How to Display: Connect the date field to text element on your site.

Time Field

Purpose: For selecting times.


  • Default Date: Specify a default time if needed.
  • Required: Tick to set the field as mandatory.
  • How to Display: Connect the date field to text element on your site.

Switch Field

Purpose: To add a toggle or switch option (e.g., on/off).


  • Default State: Set the default state (e.g., on or off).
  • Required: Tick to set the field as mandatory.

Option Field

Purpose: To select from predefined options.


  • Define the options list and default selected option.
  • How to Display: Connect the option field to any text element on your site.

URL Field

Purpose: For storing web addresses.


  • Default Value: Specify a default URL if needed.
  • Help Text: Add help text to guide users on the expected input.
  • Required: Check to set the field as mandatory.
  • How to Display: Connect the URL field to any text or link element, enabling dynamic linking to web pages directly from your content manager.

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