Content Editor mode for editors and clients when they login

Wouldn't it be great to have a way for clients and editors to just log in and have only access to the website in edit mode like in webflow they could touch text and change it, change picture without messing up things in the builder and change/add/ remove content in the content manager. -editors and clients would have different levels of access depending on their assigned responsibilities. - the option to have users control and aprove changes made by others with less access.
Admin Reply:
Thank you for your suggestion! Droip is working on a collaboration feature that will allow different access levels in the editor. This means clients and editors will be able to log in and make content changes, such as editing text or images, without impacting the overall structure of the site—just as you suggested. In addition, we'll provide the option to set permissions based on assigned roles, enabling users to control and approve changes made by others with different levels of access.
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